It is now 08:20 in the morning, the 30th of April 2015 and I have to catch a train to the airport in about 55 minutes, but I wanted to really fast and quick share with you my next adventure.
I’ll be flying today to Milano from Vilnius, tomorrow catching a train to Venice and on Saturday coming back to Milano to spend the last night before I come back on Sunday to Lithuania.
Very express, but as you probably know if you follow my blog, this is how I enjoy traveling. On a budget (of money and time).
If you want to follow the journey, please do it so on my instagram or on my facebook page.
Safe travels to me!
(*22:38 edit: I am already in Italy, super tired after walking all around Milano. The weather is perfect, I’m staying in a AirBnB flat, first time, great experience. Post about it soon. My laptop has been messing around with me, but I think I found the way to fix it.)
If you are interested in following in a sort of real time the journey (a.k.a. me posting every day), let me know in the comments section down below.