Getting back to the Terrat

Few days ago I was in Barcelona, the city where I was born and I spent three years (and many many more summers and holidays) with my family. I come from a neighborhood called Horta, which many years ago (like hundreds of years) was an independent village. Terrat means Roof in catalan. It had been many years since I didn’t go up […]
Welcome back Sun!

Who doesn’t love sun? When you go through a Lithuanian Winter were the lack of sun is one of the most remarkable facts every single time that you see a sunbeam you have to exploit it as much as you can. I took those pictures in a place called apparently 4 Letenos (never heard that name before) that we, the locals (well, after […]
Pictures from Riga 2014 (Black&White)

After sharing with you the first images from my trip, I’d like to share with you more pictures, but this time black & white. I usually don’t do that, don’t know why. I just don’t. But well, life is short and let’s get crazy. There you go some more pictures of Riga. Enjoy them! If you liked them consider sharing […]
Pictures from Riga 2014

Hey guys! I wanted to share with you some pictures I took two weekends ago in Riga (Latvia). I hope you like them! I’m working on my blog lately so it can be both in Spanish and English. I hope this will be done soon and all the english readers that I have will be […]
Pictures from the Pyrenees 2013

I spent few days of my christmas holidays in the Pyrenees (the mountains between Spain and France) skiing and chilling over there. One of the things I miss the most in Lithuania is seeing mountains. Really. I was used to (when I was living in Spain) to see mountains far away in the distance. But, since Lithuania is such a flat country, […]
Pictures of Sweden 2013

Here you go some pictures that I took in Sweden. I did really love this country. Hope to fly back soon!! One thing I really liked from Stockholm was the fusion of water with the architecture. While taking a boat tour we found this crane painted as a Giraffe. Cool huh? That ship is also […]
Fotos del este de Lituania 2013

Vistas desde el monte de Ladakalnis. Monika escondiéndose en uno de los miles de árboles de Lituania. Torre de comunicaciones de Bitė. También es un mirador. Molino de Ginučiai. Vista desde la torre de Bitė. Montaña de deseos del monte Ladakalnis. El árbol más antiguo de Lituania. 1500 años. El inmenso lago de Zarasai. El […]
Fotos Mar Báltico 2013

Probablemente el mar Báltico sea uno de mis sitios preferidos de este país. Me encanta la paz y tranquilidad que transmite. Quizá es porque yo soy mediterráneo y el mar me tranquiliza o quizá es porque es increíblemente bonito. En fin, aquí os dejo con algunas de las fotos que hice el otro día. Espero que os gusten. Puente […]
Fotos México 2012

Aquí os dejo algunas de las fotos que hice durante mi viaje a México. Si queréis ver la colección completa de fotos, no dudéis en visitar mi tumblr. Ruinas de uno de los templos de Tulum México estaba increíblemente lleno de Iguanas Runas de Tulum Una de las playas paradisíacas Tulum
Fotos Liverpool 2012

Casa en ruinas que me pareció muy simpática El nombre de la calle me cautivó Las calles de Liverpool y sus citas La mítica foto no podía faltar, ¿no?