Estimadas viajeras, estimados viajers, viendo que el vídeo que podéis ver aquí arriba ha causado una buena impresión pero ha hecho surgir muchas dudas que se repiten constantemente, he decidido crear un post a modo de FAQ (frequently answered questions, o preguntas frecuentes) para recopilarlas todas y poder exprimirle más utilidad al tutorial! 1. Tengo una […]

Eslovenia 2018 – Nuestra primera vez

El pasado 1 de Noviembre del 2018, cogí un bus nocturno a las 01:30 de la Madrugada para viajar hasta el aeropuerto de Madrid, para iniciar así una nueva escapada exprés a un nuevo país en el que ni Gi ni yo habíamos estado, Eslovenia. Lo habíamos decidido unas semanas antes. Queríamos aprovechar el puente del 1 […]

That time we decided to stop in Cavaion Veronese

If you are not new to this blog, you’ll probably know that few weeks ago I was visiting Italy for the second time this year. We stayed one night and one day in Milano, went to my girlfriend’s place in Brembio (really close to Lodi, which is very close to Milano), stayed one night to get […]

Phnom Penh’s Royal Palace

  I remember it as if it had happened yesterday. On the 23rd of July 2015 my friend Miguel and I started our journey to South East Asia. The first city we put our feet on was Phnom Penh (Cambodia). The pictures you see over these lines is the massive complex of Phnom Penh’s Royal […]


Even though it was 4 years ago, I still can remember it like if that happened yesterday. It was the very first time for me outside of Europe and the very first time traveling so far. An outstanding experience. The resort we stayed in was very similar to the one we stayed in the Dominican Republic. Aunque […]


As you probably remember, on December 2015 I had the wonderful chance to spend a week with my friends traveling around the northern part of Europe, otherwise known as Lapland. Seguramente recuerdes que en Diciembre del 2015 tuve la fantástica oportunidad de pasar una semana viajando con mis amigos por el norte de Europa, una zona conocida […]

That time I got stolen in Punta Cana.

*Spoiler alert: Be extremely careful, I got stolen at Punta Cana’s international airport. On the summer of 2015 I got the wonderful chance to spend one week with my family in an all-included-with-cool-bracelet type of Resort. If I have to be sincere, I’m not an all included type of person, but hey, mum and dad were buying so hell […]


Dude, what in the seven worlds does Kandoenthang mean? As you probably know, on this summer (summer of 2015, just in case you are reading this in 2016 or 2014 😀 ) I spent 3 weeks traveling around South East Asia with my best friend. Kandoenthang means journey in Khmer (the language they speak in Cambodia, or this is what google […]

How to visit Tallinn for less than 80€.

If you follow me on Instagram you will probably know by now that a couple of weeks ago I spent a weekend in Estonia’s capital, Tallinn. As always, I’m a student. In approximately 8 months I’ll finally finish my university studies, but I guess I will be still broke by then. Which means that I will still have […]

How to visit Tallinn for less than 80€.

If you follow me on Instagram you will probably know by now that a couple of weeks ago I spent a weekend in Estonia’s capital, Tallinn. As always, I’m a student. In approximately 8 months I’ll finally finish my university studies, but I guess I will be still broke by then. Which means that I will still have […]