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That time when I was asked to speak in public.

Not a long time ago, a friend I have from the Vytautas Magnus University (yet another university here in Kaunas) that belongs also to the Miguelio De Cervanteso Club (a Spanish language and culture club based here in Kaunas too) asked me if I could talk about my experience as a Spaniard living in Lithuania.

They organise it every year: (this year’s was the 5th time) a cultural week where they talk about Spain, bring Spaniards and cook Spanish food among lots of other stuff. And it’s quite cool and interesting. Primavera en Español (Spring in Spanish) is how it is called. It’s not the first time I’m part of it, but it was the first time I had to talk about me for about 15 min in front of 40 people (more or less, didn’t count all of them).

When I was first asked I thought it would be a cool idea and another reason to help me carry out one of my 2015 resolutions: step out of my comfort zone more often

You might thing that since I have a youtube channel and I video-blog there often I don’t have any problems when talking in public. Well, I do. Talking to a camera when I’m alone (or almost alone) is one thing (you know, I can always edit if I seem super shy in post production. Well, by post production I mean when I’m home with a tea and editing the video, I just wanted to use a fancy word that cool videomakers I look up to use very often, hehe) but talking straight to people, making eye contact, and trying to keep them entertained and not babble when trying to speak is sometimes quite challenging.

It went all good. They had fun, I enjoyed and felt like I took a mini step forward in overcoming the talking-in-public-gets-me-very-sweaty-and-nervous thing.



Piensa en un amigo a quien mandarle este artículo


Soy un médico de profesión y blogger, fotógrafo y viajero por pasión.

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