Fateuser Eats: Ze Donats (Rīga, Latvia)

Location: Kr.Valdemāra iela 18, Rīga, Latvia. Price: Each donuts from 0.69€. Hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 20:00 | Sat: 10:00 – 20:00 | Sun: 10:00 – 18:00 Cuisine: Donuts and sweets. Website | Facebook Review: Back in November 2014 my friends and I had the opportunity to spend a long weekend in Rīga. We’ve heard of Ze Donats before from other friends […]

The Aurora

Just imagine this for a second. We were driving through the middle of Finland after our bus’ tire broke (and later was repaired) and suddenly we noticed something out there in the sky. Someone started screaming it’s the Aurora! it’s the Aurora! so we begged-yelled the bus driver to stop the bus so that we could go outside and experience it […]

Roll #2. Overexposed.

Remember how not long time ago I told you that I was Going Analogue? Well, since then I have shot few rolls and I’m sort of getting more experienced. See, I started taking pictures almost 10 years ago but I’ve always shot digital. Even though for the last 2-3 years I was trying to shoot as much […]


Yeohang means Journey in Korean. In the summer of 2014 I was lucky enough to be able to go and visit one of my best friends, Jae, who happens to be a Korean dude who lives in Seoul. That was my very first time in Asia (another thing I did cross off my ‘bucket list‘). It was by far one […]


Few months ago I was lucky enough to find a Zenit E second hand camera for 16€. Yes, you read that right, 16€. My camera was built in the year 1970 (approximately) and was being sold at a second hand shop here in Kaunas. It needed to be serviced, but at that time when I bought it I didn’t have the cash to get it repaired. […]


Dude, what in the seven worlds does Kandoenthang mean? As you probably know, on this summer (summer of 2015, just in case you are reading this in 2016 or 2014 😀 ) I spent 3 weeks traveling around South East Asia with my best friend. Kandoenthang means journey in Khmer (the language they speak in Cambodia, or this is what google […]

How to visit Tallinn for less than 80€.

If you follow me on Instagram you will probably know by now that a couple of weeks ago I spent a weekend in Estonia’s capital, Tallinn. As always, I’m a student. In approximately 8 months I’ll finally finish my university studies, but I guess I will be still broke by then. Which means that I will still have […]


As you probably know (since this is a travel blog) I love to travel. So so very very much. As you probably know too, I’m still a student. Which basically means that my budget is quite small. One of the things that used to be very expensive to buy were the plane tickets. And I say used […]

The Amsterdam Adventures.

Back in 2009 I did my first big trip. 5 friends and I went on a month-long-trip around Europe. One thing that we call InterRail. Which basically is getting a train ticket and traveling around Europe by train. We went to Austria, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium. Amsterdam was by far one of my favourite cities. […]

Flying Through Cleaner Air

Many years ago, taking the time off to travel was a pipedream for many people. With cheaper flights now being made available, it seems many people have started living the dream and traveling all over the world. But then, with so many chartered flights now going from country to country and continent to continent, many […]