I hated Phnom Penh

I hated Phnom Penh. But don’t get me wrong. I hadn’t slept for almost 48 hours and took 3 flights to reach that crowded and dusty city. Plus it was the first time I was in South East Asia. And you know, when everyone tells you that there’s such thing as a ‘cultural shock’ the […]

The Big Journey in South East Asia.

It all started about 6 months ago, Christmas time. I was with my friend Miguel, having a beer and a sandwich at our favourite catch-up-place here in Logroño (Spain) and we started brainstorming about what we could be doing the upcoming summer. The last trip we had done together was when we were 18 and […]

How to visit Riga for less than 100€.

I love traveling. Also I love saving. And if I can travel and save at the same time, well, perfect combo! Whenever I travel there’s always the pressure of being a student and not having lots of money to spare. There have been many times when I couldn’t do something because I didn’t have enough […]

The 2015 Italy experience.

Whenever I see that I have few days off (and as long as I have money and no exams soon) I like to travel. Usually, what I do is check what free days I have and search with this amazing ultimate travel cheap tool called AZUON  where’s the cheapest destination to fly to. As we say around here: «when you […]

I’m going to Italy!

It is now 08:20 in the morning, the 30th of April 2015 and I have to catch a train to the airport in about 55 minutes, but I wanted to really fast and quick share with you my next adventure. I’ll be flying today to Milano from Vilnius, tomorrow catching a train to Venice and […]

Fateuser Eats: Galeria Urbana (Kaunas, Lithuania)

I remember the first time I went to this place a social dance party was going on. Salsa, bachata and that sort of things. Since I’m a not-so-good (or better said, I have my own style) dancer, I just sat down and enjoyed a glass of red wine while checked the decoration and the dim light that was […]

9 things you should know about March 11th.

1. It’s Lithuania’s birthday. On 11 March 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania adopted an Act on the Restoration of an Independent State of Lithuania. This year Lithuania becomes 25 years old (since the last independence, of course). Which means that she’s one year older than me. Oh hey you pretty girl! *11/03/2016 edit: […]

6 things you should know about February the 16th.

1. In Lithuania is a national day. On  this day, Lithuanians commemorate that on February the 16th 1918, the Act of Independence of Lithuania (Lietuvos Valstybės atkūrimo aktas) was signed, thus proclaiming the restoration of an Independent state of Lithuania.  2. The Act was signed by 20 brave Lithuanians. This was the Council of Lithuania of 1918. In 1915, Germany occupied […]

Fateuser Eats: Buddha (Riga, Latvia)

That was my first time in a vegetarian restaurant. Or at least the fist time I remember. Not that I’m always drunk when I go to restaurants or something like this, it’s just that I wasn’t aware of being in a vegstaurant (hehe, so funny how I make new words) before. Anyways, this one was a great one. […]

Norway, here I come!

The 9th semester of my Medicine studies is done! Today I had my last exam and it (hopefully) went well. So, according to how my university works, now I have a week off. Following a bit the «self-imposed-tradition» that my sister and I decided to start, we are going to travel during this week. Last year we went to Riga […]