10 Fotos de Jeju-si (Corea del Sur) que no me creo que haya hecho yo.

El pasado mes de Marzo 2017 tuve la oportunidad de pasar 3 noches en la isla de Jeju en Corea del Sur. La «capital» por llamarlo de alguna manera es Jeju-si. The last month of March 2017 I had the amazing oportunity to spend 3 nights in the island of Jeju in South Korea. The «capital» to call it somehow is Jeju-si. Llegamos a media mañana desde Busan, en […]
Todos los Europeos sois iguales.

Antes de empezar a saco y directamente, déjame que te cuente un poco. Quizá (si has llegado hace no mucho o has llegado por alguna entrada de mi vida MIR) te descolocará un poco el ver una entrada sobre viajes. Bueno, pues permíteme que te diga que a partir de ahora (quizá una vez por semana y cada vez que […]
¿A la cárcel por llevar Jamón Ibérico?

It’s 05:45 in the morning. I could barely sleep. Not just because it was very warm at my friend’s place, but because always, whenever I travel I get nervous and stressed about the awful possibility of missing my flights. Showered, finished packing, taxi (30€, fixed price from Madrid’s center to the airport) and we do the check-in. Yes! We […]
South Korean Diaries

Ahora mismo estoy en el autobús yendo hacia Madrid. Había escrito una entrada muy chula combatiendo los movimientos bruscos que el conductor decide que tenemos que «disfrutar» y al intentar subirla se ha borrado. Entera. Un momento. Déjame echarle un vistazo a una cosa. (Va a archivos recientes… busca la entrada que acababa de escribir… y no encuentra […]
Korean Adventures in 2017!

On the 10th of March 2017, Gi and I will be traveling to South Korea. It’s not my first time (I was there on the summer of 2014) but it is Gi’s first time, both in South Korea and Asia. In a way it’s a really cool thing that we both visited Africa for the first time together and that she’s going to […]
Postcards from: Mercado Ruso de Pnom Penh (Camboya)

En el verano del 2015, Miguel (un chavalote muy majo, amigos desde los 7 años, lo que alguien podría considerar como «mejor amigo») hicimos un tour por el Sudeste Asiático. Algo mochilero total. Decidimos recorrer bien Camboya (donde pasamos 2 semanas) y Laos (donde pasamos 1 semana). Más tarde el recorrió Vietnam y yo me fui a Tailandia. En ése viaje, además de probar muchas cosas nuevas (comer bichos, conducir […]
Phnom Penh’s Royal Palace

I remember it as if it had happened yesterday. On the 23rd of July 2015 my friend Miguel and I started our journey to South East Asia. The first city we put our feet on was Phnom Penh (Cambodia). The pictures you see over these lines is the massive complex of Phnom Penh’s Royal […]

Yeohang means Journey in Korean. In the summer of 2014 I was lucky enough to be able to go and visit one of my best friends, Jae, who happens to be a Korean dude who lives in Seoul. That was my very first time in Asia (another thing I did cross off my ‘bucket list‘). It was by far one […]

Dude, what in the seven worlds does Kandoenthang mean? As you probably know, on this summer (summer of 2015, just in case you are reading this in 2016 or 2014 😀 ) I spent 3 weeks traveling around South East Asia with my best friend. Kandoenthang means journey in Khmer (the language they speak in Cambodia, or this is what google […]
I hated Phnom Penh

I hated Phnom Penh. But don’t get me wrong. I hadn’t slept for almost 48 hours and took 3 flights to reach that crowded and dusty city. Plus it was the first time I was in South East Asia. And you know, when everyone tells you that there’s such thing as a ‘cultural shock’ the […]