Fateuser Eats: Domino Bistro (Kaunas, Lithuania)

When I entered into this place I didn’t really know what I was expecting. This is not a very popular spot and yet, they probably have the best burgers in Kaunas. Domino Bistro, located in the heart of the Old Town in Kaunas, has a very raw and minimalist style, that reminds me of the one […]

Fateuser Eats: Drama Burger (Vilnius, Lithuania)

That was my first time ever in a place that masters the burger making technique. Drama Burger, found in the city center of Vilnius, has a very raw and minimalist style. The burgers were very tasty. You could try within a wide range of meats and types of bread and other food and veggies to put into the […]

The day I almost got killed in Lithuania.

There I was. In a trolleybus. An average looking white person talking to another tourist in english. He was telling me that last night he got super inebriated. That’s why he came to Lithuania, to drink and party and get laid with some Lithuanian girls if he had the chance. He was also an average looking […]

Diving Baptism.

If you follow me on Instagram you will probably know that the other day I had the amazing opportunity to cross out one of the things of my bucket list: Scuba Dive. We did the whole thing with Costa Brava Divers. Amazing staff, very economic prices plus they speak a bunch of languages (catalan, spanish, french, english…). At 17.00 we took a […]

El Terrat | Night version

Remember that few days ago I told you about one of my favorite spots in Barcelona? Well, so I decided to go back to it during the night time, and took some pictures. It was so much fun. The peace that you could find over there, the echoes, the silence. Also I really enjoyed taking pictures during […]

Welcoming the summer with a barbecue

That’s one thing my friends and I try to do as often as we can. Gather all together, tons of food, lots of beer and chill. Good vibes. I really enjoy those meetings because as I’m the only one that is living abroad (not in Spain) I tend to miss much stuff that is going on here, […]

Getting back to the Terrat

Few days ago I was in Barcelona, the city where I was born and I spent three years (and many many more summers and holidays) with my family. I come from a neighborhood called Horta, which many years ago (like hundreds of years) was an independent village. Terrat means Roof in catalan. It had been many years since I didn’t go up […]

I am a half marathon finisher

I trained for about 3 months, ran over 350km to prepare the race and thought that I would have to skip it again (as I had to do in 2013) due to some nasty conjunctivitis affecting my right eye. Before you ask: NO. I DON’T FART ON MY PILLOW. That thingie on my eye kind of scared the sh*t out of […]

8 Things you should never do to a Lithuanian

Hey there! Here I am again, going to give you few tips to how to treat the Lithuanians or how not to treat them. 1. Punch them.  (Source) Because seriously, who likes to get punched? 2. Ask if Lithuania is a part of Russia. Really, just don’t. You can check google maps and you will find out how they […]

Welcome back Sun!

Who doesn’t love sun? When you go through a Lithuanian Winter were the lack of sun is one of the most remarkable facts every single time that you see a sunbeam you have to exploit it as much as you can. I took those pictures in a place called apparently 4 Letenos (never heard that name before) that we, the locals (well, after […]