Postcards from: Mercado Ruso de Pnom Penh (Camboya)

En el verano del 2015, Miguel (un chavalote muy majo, amigos desde los 7 años, lo que alguien podría considerar como «mejor amigo») hicimos un tour por el Sudeste Asiático. Algo mochilero total. Decidimos recorrer bien Camboya (donde pasamos 2 semanas) y Laos (donde pasamos 1 semana). Más tarde el recorrió Vietnam y yo me fui a Tailandia. En ése viaje, además de probar muchas cosas nuevas (comer bichos, conducir […]
Postcards from Aït Benhaddou

Back in May 2016, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend 5 days in Morocco. It was my (and Gi’s also) first time in Africa. We were based in Marrakech but spent one night on the Sahara Desert and did as many day trips as we could. En Mayo del 2016, tuve la increíble oportunidad de pasar 5 días en Marruecos. Fue mi primera […]
Pictures of Sweden II

As you all probably know, I was in Sweden on the last month of October. Going through my SD card I found out that I had some pics that I didn’t share with you guys. So here you go! The inside of that library was really cool! Mixture of new and old styles. Ah those […]
Capture the Colour Contest 2013

Few days ago I got a nomination from Carl to participate in a contest called Colour Contest 2013, where basically you have to upload 5 photos of 5 different colours (red, yellow, green, blue and white) to your blog, nominate 5 other bloggers and give the organization a shoutout by twitter. More or less. (More specs here). At the beginning […]