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Exploring Vilnius.

About a month ago, my friend Šarūnas and I went to Vilnius. We really did squeeze all the hours that we spent over there. After having a great lunch at Drama Burger, we headed south for a haircut. Will talk about it in the near future. After that he brought me to a tower of the Vilnius Univeristy. This […]

How to curse like a proper Lithuanian.

Whenever you start to learn a new language, one of the most common things is to learn the swear words. And for me it wasn’t an exception. But, unfortunately I learnt the bad cursing words, meaning that I only learnt them in Russian. But hey! Here I am to teach you how to do it in the […]

The day I almost got killed in Lithuania.

There I was. In a trolleybus. An average looking white person talking to another tourist in english. He was telling me that last night he got super inebriated. That’s why he came to Lithuania, to drink and party and get laid with some Lithuanian girls if he had the chance. He was also an average looking […]

8 Things you should never do to a Lithuanian

Hey there! Here I am again, going to give you few tips to how to treat the Lithuanians or how not to treat them. 1. Punch them.  (Source) Because seriously, who likes to get punched? 2. Ask if Lithuania is a part of Russia. Really, just don’t. You can check google maps and you will find out how they […]

Welcome back Sun!

Who doesn’t love sun? When you go through a Lithuanian Winter were the lack of sun is one of the most remarkable facts every single time that you see a sunbeam you have to exploit it as much as you can. I took those pictures in a place called apparently 4 Letenos (never heard that name before) that we, the locals (well, after […]

10 Cosas que deberías saber sobre Lituania

[READ IT IN ENGLISH] 1. Lituania tiene el internet más rápido del mundo. ¡Y lo bien que me lo paso descargando películas! Source   2. Lituania es el centro geográfico de Europa. Lo que la convierte en un punto perfecto para empezar cualquier viaje. Source   3. Lituania fue el país más grande de Europa. El Gran […]

Defenders of Freedom Day

Yesterday, on January the 13th, the Lithuanians commemorated the heroes killed in the Vilnius TV Tower on the 13th of January 1991. On that day, the soviet troops surrounded it and tried to take it by force to deprive Lithuanian radio and television’s opportunities to broadcast national channels in Lithuanian language. Also (the soviet army) wanted to continue the Anti-Lithuania propaganda without the Lithuanians showing opposition to that. Thousands of unarmed people surrounded the tower […]


Phew! It’s been a long time since I don’t write about my Eurotrip and I’m sorry about that. I just had so many other things to do and forgot a bit about telling that story. Anyways, if you don’t remember what we did on the previous day, check it up here. Done? Alright, let’s continue with the story. […]


Recuerdo aún la primera vez que leí sobre el clima de Lituania; «hace frío en invierno, temperaturas de hasta -25ºC y nieve desde finales de Noviembre hasta mediados de Abril». Menudo panorama tenía delante. Así que claro, viniendo yo de un país cálido (España) dudé de mi supervivencia en lo que a primera vista me […]

Fotos del este de Lituania 2013

Vistas desde el monte de Ladakalnis. Monika escondiéndose en uno de los miles de árboles de Lituania. Torre de comunicaciones de Bitė. También es un mirador. Molino de Ginučiai. Vista desde la torre de Bitė. Montaña de deseos del monte Ladakalnis. El árbol más antiguo de Lituania. 1500 años. El inmenso lago de Zarasai. El […]