Meet a new religion: Romuva

In September 2010, when I was 19 years old I moved to Lithuania. After spending 6 years on that country (I don’t live there anymore) I still get surprised about the things that I keep on discovering about the culture and folklore of the so-considered the Baltic’s Jewel. As a self-proclaimed agnostic person (baptised and «first-communioned» as a Christian Catholic) I […]
24 hours in Kaunas

On July the 2nd 2016 (basically 5 months ago) I left the city where I’d lived for 6 years. Kaunas (the second biggest city in Lithuania) became my second (or even first) home and will always be in my heart. I’m not trying to get cheese here! It’s just that I loved it over there. If I could get back there right now […]
Pau Mateo, MD.

Estimado señor Pau Mateo, sentimos informarle que no ha sido aceptado en la «inserta aquí nombre de cualquier facultad de medicina de España de cualquier universidad pública» y por lo tanto pasa usted a la lista de espera. – Julio del 2009. Ese fue el primer batacazo que me llevé con Medicina. Ese mismo año, en Septiembre del 2009 empecé a estudiar Fisioterapia en […]
That time when I was asked to speak in public.

Not a long time ago, a friend I have from the Vytautas Magnus University (yet another university here in Kaunas) that belongs also to the Miguelio De Cervanteso Club (a Spanish language and culture club based here in Kaunas too) asked me if I could talk about my experience as a Spaniard living in Lithuania. They organise it every year: (this year’s […]
Fateuser Eats: Galeria Urbana (Kaunas, Lithuania)

I remember the first time I went to this place a social dance party was going on. Salsa, bachata and that sort of things. Since I’m a not-so-good (or better said, I have my own style) dancer, I just sat down and enjoyed a glass of red wine while checked the decoration and the dim light that was […]
9 things you should know about March 11th.

1. It’s Lithuania’s birthday. On 11 March 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania adopted an Act on the Restoration of an Independent State of Lithuania. This year Lithuania becomes 25 years old (since the last independence, of course). Which means that she’s one year older than me. Oh hey you pretty girl! *11/03/2016 edit: […]
6 things you should know about February the 16th.

1. In Lithuania is a national day. On this day, Lithuanians commemorate that on February the 16th 1918, the Act of Independence of Lithuania (Lietuvos Valstybės atkūrimo aktas) was signed, thus proclaiming the restoration of an Independent state of Lithuania. 2. The Act was signed by 20 brave Lithuanians. This was the Council of Lithuania of 1918. In 1915, Germany occupied […]
Finding the light in the darkness.

Not so long time ago, my friend Carl and I decided to explore the woods in Kaunas. We are both so much into photography. To tell the truth, he’s such a pro. I feel like every single minute that we spend talking about it I learn more that what I’ve learnt in almost 8 years […]
Fateuser Eats: Mint Vinetu (Vilnius, Lithuania)

This is technically not a Fateuser Eats. Mint Vinetu (Vilnius, Lithuania) is a Book Store & Tea Place. I was there in September 2014, the same day I ate in Drama Burger. First of all, I would like to say that the Chai Tea that I had was quite tasty, so it was the coffee that my friend @faufainis […]
10 Reasons why I am growing a beard.

If I would get one euro every time that I hear that question I would probably have 200 € extra in my account. And well, I think that this is not an easy question to answer actually because it’s a sum of many ideas and reasons: 1. Because it’s a challenge. I am a very non hairy guy, therefore growing a […]