How to visit Tallinn for less than 80€.

If you follow me on Instagram you will probably know by now that a couple of weeks ago I spent a weekend in Estonia’s capital, Tallinn. As always, I’m a student. In approximately 8 months I’ll finally finish my university studies, but I guess I will be still broke by then. Which means that I will still have […]

That time when I was asked to speak in public.

Not a long time ago, a friend I have from the Vytautas Magnus University (yet another university here in Kaunas) that belongs also to the Miguelio De Cervanteso Club (a Spanish language and culture club based here in Kaunas too) asked me if I could talk about my experience as a Spaniard living in Lithuania. They organise it every year: (this year’s […]

All the things I want to achieve in 2015.

Hey there lovely readers! How’ve you been? I have been quite off from the media world for a while now. But I’m really excited to get back and have much energy and stories to tell. Before the 2014 year finished, I wrote a post about all the things that I wanted to achieve and what I […]

The 10 things I wanted to achieve in 2014 and what really happened.

On the 1st of January 2014 I published a post on my blog (written in Spanish) about the 10 things that I wanted to achieve in 2014. As the end of 2014 is getting closer, I decided to go back to this post and see if all my New Year’s Resolutions for 2014 had been conquered or not. I’ll go […]

10 Reasons why I am growing a beard.

If I would get one euro every time that I hear that question I would probably have 200 € extra in my account. And well, I think that this is not an easy question to answer actually because it’s a sum of many ideas and reasons: 1. Because it’s a challenge. I am a very non hairy guy, therefore growing a […]

How things are going to be working from now on.

Keeping an order (or trying to be organized) with the posts and videos it’s been such a challenge for me. Since the beginning of this year I was posting one weekly video on At the beginning it was super fun. Later on, as happened with my 365 Days project I sort of lost the motivation and it was too demanding […]


The other day I got the chance to go with my friend Samuel to see how he was getting his tattoo done at Amor Verdadero Tattoo (true love tattoo). It was such an amazing experience. The tattooer, Masu, is such a nice lad and his tats are simply amazing. If you happen to be in Logroño and you are thinking about […]

🍪 Cookies

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Hey there! Today I wanted to tell to you about one new collab that I’m super happy about. The brand is called Old Habits and it’s made by three guys that met each other while studying in uni. It’s a very new and fresh brand, with very cool designs (so far they only have t-shirts, but stay tuned because from what I’ve been told, they […]

Thoughts on being a one-day-photographer

Few weeks ago I was asked to take the official photos  (click on the link to see them) and video of the Third International Food Festival Event held in my university (LSMU) here in Kaunas. I indeed felt that I had a huge task to perform and wanted to do it as good as I could (I’m kind of a super perfectionist person, nothing to do […]